Presenter discussing diaspora engagement framework.

Geneva Day 2

Building a Better Future
Humanitarian Network and Partnership Week May 2024, GenevaDay 2: The role of Diaspora in disaster response
May 7, 2024 What is the role of diaspora organizations in disasters? Even when they are not experts nor have a humanitarian focus, diaspora organizations definitively play a role and have many capabilities for responding during emergencies and disasters. Una mujer en frente de un grupo de personas en una oficina

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The main discussion on day two was around the necessity of involving diaspora in humanitarian interventions, considering that they can respond and mobilize a willingness to help and funds quickly. They also have connections and access to remote areas where other organizations usually don’t have easy access to. In addition, it is recognized that diaspora not only brings remittances to the table but also brings intellectual, political, social, and cultural capital that can be mobilized at different crisis stages and ensure the sustainability of efforts. Diaspora often supports and cooperates with international and local first responders and can play an important role in enhancing the localization of the assistance. Understanding diaspora and strengthening coordination efforts with them can make any intervention more effective. In many countries, due to social conflicts and social structures, the support by diaspora, even in emergencies, is not always neutral (i.e., they may support their tribe or ethnic group; they can be reluctant to support competing or enemy ethnic groups; etc.). The question that arises is can diaspora support needs adhere to International Humanitarian Principles and Guidelines, especially neutrality?Diaspora has a flexible, dynamic, and quick way to operate, especially in emergency situations – a strength and an asset. International humanitarian organizations and donors should consider the diaspora´s interest in maintaining a certain degree of flexibility and autonomy, the ability to cross the humanitarian-development divide, and preventing the risk of being exposed to the same hindrances as international organizations. It is important that donors also consider the role and way diaspora organizations operate to facilitate funding, especially in emergencies.
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It is important that humanitarian organizations and diaspora coordinate and plan before a disaster appears. The International Office for Migration (IOM) shared its framework for diaspora engagement in humanitarian assistance, addressing internal and external coordination between diaspora and institutional humanitarian actors. The Model for internal diaspora coordination suggests possible modalities in which diaspora actors from the same country of origin or heritage can work together more structurally. This and other useful information regarding diaspora can be found in iDiaspora, a platform created to share resources, knowledge, and engagement with the diaspora and their communities.

Adriana Delgado, Help Peru, 7 May 2024


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